
publications in reversed chronological order. generated by jekyll-scholar.


  1. Propofol anesthesia destabilizes neural dynamics across cortex
    Adam J. Eisen*Leo Kozachkov*Andre M. BastosJacob A. Donoghue, Meredith K. Mahnke, Scott L. Brincat, Sarthak ChandraEmery N. BrownIla R. Fiete, and Earl K. Miller
    Neuron Jul 2024
  2. Delay Embedding Theory of Neural Sequence Models
    Mitchell B. OstrowAdam J. Eisen, and Ila R. Fiete
    In ICML Workshop on Next Generation Sequence Models Jun 2024


  1. Beyond Geometry: Comparing the Temporal Structure of Computation in Neural Circuits with Dynamical Similarity Analysis
    Mitchell B. OstrowAdam J. EisenLeo Kozachkov, and Ila R. Fiete
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems Dec 2023


  1. A Lattice Model of Charge-Pattern-Dependent Polyampholyte Phase Separation
    Suman DasAdam J. EisenYi-Hsuan Lin, and Hue Sun Chan
    J. Phys. Chem. B May 2018